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Pistol Fundamentals

2 hr
50 US dollars
Brightseat Road

Service Description

This course provides a comprehensive foundation in pistol fundamentals, covering essential skills from proper stance and sight alignment to safe handling and self-defense strategies. Through classroom instruction, students will gain the knowledge and confidence to shoot accurately and safely.

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

Eligibility Restrictions: Individuals with felony convictions, crimes of moral turpitude, or under protective orders from any U.S. jurisdiction are ineligible for training. Firearms and Ammunition: Live ammunition and loaded firearms are prohibited in all training areas unless actively supervised. Only factory-manufactured ammunition from reputable brands is allowed; reloaded or hand-loaded ammunition is not permitted. Firearms Safety Compliance: Adherence to firearms safety rules is mandatory. Any negligence or unsafe handling will result in immediate dismissal. Substance Prohibition: Students under the influence of drugs or alcohol will be dismissed without a refund to ensure a secure environment. Incident Reporting: Unsafe conditions, activities, or equipment issues must be reported to the instructor or training director immediately. Respect for People and Property: Disrespect or misconduct toward staff, property, or other participants will result in corrective action or removal from the course. Pregnancy Policy: Pregnant students cannot participate in firearms training or physically strenuous activities for safety reasons. Disability Accommodations: Students with disabilities should inform the instructor in advance to arrange reasonable accommodations. Academic Integrity: Cheating on tests is strictly prohibited and will result in immediate dismissal, with incidents reported to regulatory agencies. Attendance Requirements: Full attendance is mandatory. Students arriving over 15 minutes late will be marked absent, potentially affecting certification. Confidentiality: Training materials are proprietary and cannot be shared or reproduced outside of the course. Photography Guidelines: Photos or video recording are prohibited unless approved by the instructor or training director. Dress Code: Required attire includes a crew neck shirt, hat, pants, belt, and closed-toe shoes to ensure safety and professionalism. Refund and Rescheduling Policy: Refunds are not offered. Rescheduling is allowed with prior notification. Requests for Exceptions: Exceptions to these guidelines require approval from both the instructor and training director. Rule Enforcement: Instructors and training directors have the authority to enforce rules and dismiss participants as necessary to maintain a safe, professional environment.

Contact Details

  • 1802 Brightseat Road, North Englewood, MD, USA


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